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Sponsoring and supporting the scientific and technological activities of VGU’s lecturers, researchers, and students to develop the potential research capacity; science and technology transfer and gradually affirm the position of a research-oriented university; contributing to the socio-economic development of the country.

All full-time academic staffs and Units of VGU

All undergraduate and postgraduate students studying at VGU
The main activities which can be funded by VGU-RF include:
Initiative research and technology transfer of research groups
Regular/unscheduled projects with practical meaning, directly serve VGU
Attend conference or workshop domestically/internationally
Visit & work with potential partners about research and training
Organize workshop/conference/seminar at VGU
Invite experts for academic keynote lecture, research, seminar/talk
Attend the short course in Vietnam and overseas
Scientific research for students all over the world
Support the fee for papers published in prestigious ISI list
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